Vocational High school of Sidirokastro is located in Sidirokastro, a town in northern Greece. The school has 120 students and 30 teachers. There are five sections that ru in the school. Mechanical Engieerig, Electrology, Agriculture, Management and Computer Science. Our school participates in national and european projects.
Tecnological High School "Victor Slavescu" is located in Ploiesti, a industrial city in the northeast of Romania. The school was founded in 1998 and provides education in the fields of economics and since 2012 maths and computer sciece. It has 1000 students. The school has won many prizes in contests and events. Studets are trained in the areas of Tourism and Catering. The staff consists of 69 teachers.
Hadiye Kuradaci Science and Arts Centre was founded in 2015-2016 in Tarsus, Turkey. The school provides education to gifted children that are selected by tests such as Assist IQ test, by teachers' reports ad by group evaluatios. The staff consists of 15 teachers and 1 school counsellor. There are 143 students from 7 to 17 years old. There are school subjects such as Robotics, Coding, Mind Games and Foreign Laguages that aim to improve creativity, analytical thought, critical thinking, foreign laguage skills and digital skills.